Afrisino Gas

Welcome to: _____
AfriSino Gas Limited (AGL)

AGL is Oil and Gas Company active across both at upstream and downstream value chains, with emphasis on petroleum trading, marketing, distribution and retail segments of the Nigerian Oil and Gas Sector.

We focus on creating long term value through excellent service delivery and customer satisfaction, while ensuring quality and constructive partnerships with our various stakeholders.

We are continuously evolving to ensure that access to our products and services are seamless, cost effective and safe. We are highly driven to be recognized as market leaders in the Nigerian Oil and Gas Sector. We are renowned for integrity and passion for excellence.

Our Vision:

To explore and develop hydrocarbons in a safe, environmentally friendly and cost-efficient manner by ensuring that homes, businesses and industries have access to quality gas products.

Our Mission:

To deliver a balanced supply of quality gas products and energy resources to homes, businesses and industries.

Our Core Values

At AGL, our word is our bond. That is why we value transparency and honesty in all we do. We measure ourselves against the highest standards of integrity and fiscal responsibility.


We are constantly developing and implementing new ideas. To ensure our products and services remain top tier in a fast paced and changing environment, our minds are always conditioned towards innovative ways to reshape operations and create enormous value.

Team Spirit

Our success is “driven by innovation, sustained by people”. In line with this, we ensure everyone is a part of the internal movement.  Our team spirit keeps us all geared towards one goal, one mission, one vision and one strategic objective.


We believe customer satisfaction is not just an event, or an isolated action, it is our culture. We aim at meeting and exceeding customers’ expectations in all aspects of our business, without compromising on quality, which is why our solutions, products and services are the best.

Board of Directors:

I. A. Mairiga


M. F. Onwukwe

Managing Director/CEO

B. G. Ogisi

Executive Director

We collaborate with other players in the oil & gas sector for efficient service delivery to our customers.

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    63739 street lorem ipsum City, Country


    +12 (0) 345 678 9

