Afrisino Gas

Health, Safety, & Environment

Safety and reliability are core values for AGL. Beyond compliance, we are committed to continuous improvement through our Journey to excellence.

Our values focus on meeting or exceeding the expectations of customers, regulators, and our own internal standards for health, safety, environment (HSE), and service quality. We go beyond compliance to drive continuous improvement through leadership commitment, a robust management system, and the effort of our people. 

Every person on our team is tasked with taking personal ownership of their own safety and looking out for others. We ensure 24/7 commitment to proper safety practices, thereby keeping our workplace safe.

---- Safety Comes First ----
Uncompromising HSE

At AGL, solving customer challenges is second only to keeping stakeholders healthy and out of harm’s way. Our commitment to HSE minimizes environmental impacts, controls risks to our employees, and upholds safe work practices.

A process for service quality

At AGL, our “Service Quality” delivery and performance improvements are led by a focus on process adherence and execution of management system controls, such as our Design of Service process and defined Control Points.

Explore our HSE & Service Quality
Our vision to achieve zero

Simply stated, it is a concerted effort to achieve zero safety incidents, zero environmental incidents, and zero non-productive time.

Critical Focus Areas

Our continued execution of process safety controls prevents high severity and high-risk incidents involving our personnel and the environment.

Safety Comes First

Every person on our team is tasked with taking personal ownership of their own safety and looking out for others. We ensure 24/7 commitment to proper safety practices, thereby keeping our workplace safe.

Professional Team

All our team members are core professionals in their own areas of expertise. The training they all already have ensures they’re all built for quality and safety of their work environment.

Safety is our conversation starter

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    63739 street lorem ipsum City, Country


    +12 (0) 345 678 9

